Tuesday, March 2, 2021

HAProxy Load Balancer

HAProxy is a  load balancer for Redhat and Centos 7 and above.

Yum install haproxy

the config file to edit is /etc/haproxy/haproxy.config


frontend (friendly-label)

bind *service/port

mode tcp/http

default_backend (name_of_backend_to_use)

backend (name_of_backend)

mode (tcp/http)

balance (method used to load balance eg round robin,leastconn,source)

server (friendly_name eg server1)  (IP)n.nnn.n.nn  check

server (friendly_name eg server2)  (IP)n.nnn.n.nn  check

server (friendly_name eg server3)  (IP)n.nnn.n.nn  check

The below example will load balance all trafic sent to the load balancer on port 9796  between the 2 X backend Servers using round robin.

frontend 9796
bind *:9796
mode tcp
default_backend 9796

backend 9796
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server server1 10..0.0.1:9796 check

server server2 10..0.0.2:9796 check

after editing the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.config  file using your favourite editor

Restart the ha proxy service

service haproxy restart